SWAT Kats Wiki
Morbulus jet

Twin-engine, single-occupant purple jet flown by Morbulus during his “Refinery Reign of Terror.” It had a distinctive row of spikes down the back, likely just for looks. Its armament consisted of missiles and bombs, and it was also faster than the Turbokat. After the SWAT Kats used the Cookie-Cutter Missile to “cut” Morbulus out of his cockpit, the pilotless jet crashed into Megakat Bay.


  • The jet fighter resembles the Gloster Meteor, but with a different tail and shock inlet cones on the air intakes for supersonic speed.
  • Although it resembles a first generation jet fighter of the 1940s/1950s, its possibly the aircraft was rigged up with more powerful fast engines/aviation fuel for supersonic speeds.