SWAT Kats Wiki

Megakat City and County is the main location of every episode in Season 1-6.

A large metropolis with millions of residents, has a diverse climate with nearby swamps, deserts, and mountains, while enjoying a coastal position with nearby tropical islands.

Mayor Manx is the current head of city government, with Calico Briggs who serves as the deputy mayor. Commander Ulysses Feral leads the city’s designated paramilitary defense force, the Enforcers until Season Three Chief King leads charge of the Enforcers. The expansive skyline stretching into the horizon can almost always be seen.

is rich in industry, a leader in technology and is at the forefront of scientific advancement. It has a long history with its roots in medieval times. Conversely, the city is also plagued with a number of unusual threats, as several well-known super villains and monsters of varying origin have made it their mission in life to destroy, conquer or loot the city.

Based on New York County,Bronx County,Kings County,Nassau County,Queen County & Richmond County,NY

Perhaps is best known as the home of the SWAT Kats, a pair of popular vigilantes who have made it their mission to defend the city against these unusual threats, much to the chagrin of Ulysses Feral who considers them outlaws.

In Season 3 through Season 6 Sheriff Angelo Kittle is Felina´s Lookalike Uncle the other city’s designated paramilitary sheriff´s force LeadsThe Sheriff Office.
