SWAT Kats Wiki

The Macro-Bots were giant robots that appeared in the Swat Kats Episode Metal Urgency.



The Macro-Bots were designed by Professor Hackle before resigning from Puma-Dyne as a way of space travel but Puma-Dyne wanted the Macro-Bots for battle instead which was the last star for Professor Hackle forcing him to quit.

Metal Urgency[]

At an unknown point in time after Professor Hackle quit, Puma-Dyne went ahead and built Hackle's Macro-Bots as weapons.

The Macro-Bots were first seen by Hackle during a news report after a battle at Pumadyne between the Swat Kats and Harddrive in stole Enforcer Tank.

The Macro-Bots were next seen hijacked by the Metallikats after the two lost their bodies in a fight with the Swat Kats in their hanger, the Swat Kats saw this and attempted to stop them with no luck but then sunk the Prowler into a sinkhole made by some missiles then during the confusion Razor hijacked the Prowler and a battle ensued between the two bots, in a last ditch effort Razor had the Metallikats follow him up a pair of buildings and as Mac was ready to fire Razor set Prowler in auto attack mode and bailed from the bot where it pounced onto Goliath and both bots plummeted and crashed into the ground destroying both bots.




Goliath was a silver bidepal robot with four-clawed hands and three-clawed feet


  • Shoulder Cannon: The Silver Macro-Bot was equipped with a cannon on its left shoulder.
  • Blasters: The Silver Macro-Bot was equipped with forearm mounted blasters on it's arms.




Prowler was a blue quadrapedal robot with three-clawed feet.


  • Missile Launcher: The Blue Macro-Bot was equipped with a missile launcher on it's back that could launch eight missiles.
  • Blaster: The Blue Macro-Bot was equipped with a blaster on the left side of it's back.


