SWAT Kats Wiki
SWAT Kats Wiki

The Dark SWAT Kats were malevolent dopplegangers of the SWAT Kats featured in the episode, The Dark Side of the Swat Kats. They hailed from an alternate reality where many individuals held opposite personalities or personal histories from their 'prime' universe counterparts.


The Dark SWAT Kats were encountered when the 'prime universe' SWAT Kats were accidentally transported across the dimensional axis after the Turbokat was hit by lightning while testing Razor's new Dimensional Radar. They quickly discovered, through mistaken identity, that the SWAT Kats of that world were enemies of Megakat City, and allies of Dark Kat. The 'prime' SWAT Kats resolve to prevent their evil counterparts from setting off a bomb created by Dark Kat that was designed to destroy Enforcer Headquarters.

The SWAT Kats and the Dark SWAT Kats encounter each other while trying to steal a Mega Detonator from Pumadyne and get into a lengthy fight. The Dark SWAT Kats, utilising much more brutal technology, manage to subdue their 'prime' counterparts and set them up for arrest by the Enforcers. The 'prime' SWAT Kats are mistakenly released from prison by an evil Callie, and go on to engage their evil selves in a dogfight (or, more correctly, cat-fight) to prevent them from using Dark Cat's bomb, and are seemingly defeated, but make a dramatic reentrance and jam the bomb bay door of the Dark SWAT Kats' jet, causing the bomb to detonate inside and mysteriously erase them from existence.

Differences from the good SWAT Kats[]

  • The Dark SWAT Kats don't get along with one another and often get into fights and petty arguments despite the fact that they work together to commit crimes for Dark Kat.
  • Unlike their good counterparts, Dark T-Bone is a clumsy pilot and Dark Razor is a terrible shot.
  • They seem to have a much more violent fighting style and enjoy hurting people, evidenced by the way they needlessly attacked a Puma-Dyne security officer.
  • Unlike their 'prime' counterparts, who use exclusively non-lethal weapons, their missiles and gauntlets are designed to kill their enemies.
  • Their appearance is also much more unkempt and meaner in expression. They have darker fur and black noses, and green skulls on the helmets. Their voices also appear to be more gravelly and deep.
  • The special features of their TurboKat is different from the regular SWAT Kats' version of the TurboKat.
  • Though no evidence is given in the episode, it is possible they do katnip, an illicit substance banned in MegaKat City.
  • They often lose sight of their main objective for the quick thrill of doing harm to others. This is evidenced by their choosing to rob a bank instead of retrieving the Mega Detonator, and passing up an attempt to bomb Enforcer HQ in order to take out the 'prime' SWAT Kats.
  • They hate Lieutenant Felina Feral.

What they have in common with the good SWAT Kats[]

  • They have an antagonistic relationship with Commander Feral. However, the prime SWAT Kats and Feral harbor a grudging respect for one another due to their common interest in the welfare of MegaKat City, whereas the Dark SWAT Kats utterly loathe Feral for disrupting their crimes and desire his death.

