SWAT Kats Wiki
Bride of the Pastmaster
Season 1, Episode 6
Air date October 16, 1993
Written by Glenn Leopold
Directed by Robert Alvarez
Episode guide
The Metallikats
Night of the Dark Kat

Bride of the Pastmaster is the sixth episode of season one.


In Megakat Bay, an oil tanker is being attacked by a massive worm-like monster, apparently intent on consuming its cargo. The SWAT Kats soon arrive, investigating what is apparently the latest in a series of the creature's attacks. Unfortunately, the beast proves a formidable opponent, shrugging off Razor's missles while launching its own spikes at the Turbokat. Finally, they manage to launch a missile down the beast's throat, causing it to explode. This proves to be none too soon, as the SWAT Kats have only one missile left in their arsenal.

As they're flying back to Megakat City, the pair are surprised to see a familiar-looking portal in the sky. As they fear, it is the work of their old the Pastmaster, who is summoning a giant Cyclops in order to attack the medieval Megalith City. His efforts end up drawing the SWAT Kats back in time to the Dark Ages, where they are soon set upon by warriors who have mistaken them for wizards. Much to their surprise, the kats are led by a doppelganger of Callie Briggs who introduces herself as Queen Callista.

While attempting to contend with their attackers, Razor pulls a sword from a nearby stone, which convinces the ancient kats that he is their prophesied hero. Unfortunately, the SWAT Kats soon face a bigger problem, quite literally, as the Pastmaster's Cyclops appear on the scene. The pair rush to the Turbokat and deploy in a land vehicle, managing to elude the Cyclops. Unfortunately, the beast soon sets its sights on Callista, whom the Pastmaster has demanded become his queen or see her city destroyed. However, T-Bone and Razor manage to send the beast toppling into a nearby chasm.

Callista invites the SWAT Kats-particularly Razor, who she's apparently enamored of-back to Megalith City, bringing the Turbotkat with them in hopes of getting it functional again. Meanwhile, the Pastmaster prepares additional monsters to assault Megalith City. Callista dines with Razor, explaining the dire situation of her city, but T-Bone soon puts his partner to work helping work on their jet. Unfortunately, the Pastmaster's flying beasts seize Callista from her room and separate her from her magical amulet, leaving her powerless. Razor attempts to rescue her on foot, but has to be saved by T-Bone after a fall.

The next morning, the Pastmaster sends a pair of Cyclopes to destroy Megalith City in order to force Callista to become his wife. However, the SWAT Kats appear to confront the beasts, having equipped the Turbokat with some medieval style weaponry that soon dispatches the two giants. The Pastmaster then appears on the back of a dragon along with Callista, leaving the SWAT Kats unable to fire on him without endangering the queen. However, Razor hits upon a scheme and deploys his flight chair to rescue Callista from the dragon's back.

As the Pastmaster takes off after Razor and Callista, T-Bone is reluctantly forced to fire on the villain himself. He does so by deploying the Turbokat's final missile, which has the Dragon Sword tied to it. The weapon soon plunges into the dragon, causing both the Pastmaster and the dragon to disappear. The three kats then head to the Pastmaster's tower, where Callista-after giving her heroes each a goodbye kiss-uses the Pastermaster's magic to send them back to their own time. Upon arriving back, they get a call from Callie informing them of another oil tanker being attacked by a worm, and they decide to put their still equipped medieval weaponry to good use.


Main characters:

Supporting characters:


Other Characters: (In order of appearance)

Creatures: (In order of appearance)
